Definitive guide to functional mushrooms
Learn about the five most common functional mushrooms as well as what to consider before purchasing mushrooms for health.

Turkey Tail – One Incredible Functional Mushroom
Turkey Tail is one incredible functional mushroom, you all agree it’s doing phenomenal things in your body, making it our second best selling product. Turkey Tail is more than just a wellness tre...

What is Mushroom Mycelium? Benefits & Uses
In the fascinating world of fungi, there exists a hidden gem that holds remarkable potential for human health and well-being: mushroom mycelium.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom Australia: Honest Buyer’s Guide
Lion’s Mane has made its way into the super food spotlight as an incredible functional mushroom with brain-boosting benefits.

We Could Make Our Super Food Mushrooms Cheaper…
I’m always the first to admit it… our mushrooms are more expensive than other brands. But we could make them cheaper!

The 6 Reasons Our Lion’s Mane Mushroom Gets The Best Results
As you are probably aware there is a lot of “marketing” going on in the mushroom supplement industry, particularly around the mighty Lion’s Mane mushroom.